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Odamız üyesi KREA M.I.C.E. 25–28 Mart 2021 tarihleri arasında Global HR Summit Zirvesi’ni düzenleyecektir.

Global HR Summit Zirvesi Future of Work temasıyla dijital platformda gerçekleşecektir. Türkiye’den ve yurt dışından CEO’lar, CHRO’lar, ağırlıklı olarak İş Dünyasının ünlü isimleri konuşmacılar arasında yer almaktadır. Zirvede aynı platform üzerinden “eş zamanlı” olarak düzenlenecek olan fuar ile katılımcı ve ziyaretçiler sanal toplantılar düzenleyebileceklerdir.

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Burcu Basmacı

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+90 ( 545 ) 571 02 25


Odamız üyesi BDO Turkey firması Ocak ayı vergi gelişmelerini özetleyen aylık bülten hazırlamıştır.


Odamız üyesi EnginSoft Turkey firması Şubat ayında webinarlar düzenleyecektir.


* ANSYS Mechanical İle Mekanizma Kinematik Analizleri
Tarih: 04.03.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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* ANSYS Fluent ile Fırın İçi Methan-Hava Karışımı Yanma Analizleri
Tarih: 09.03.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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* ANSYS Maxwell İle Elektrik Motor Uygulamaları ve Analizleri
Tarih: 11.03.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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Odamız üyesi EnginSoft Turkey firması Şubat ayında webinarlar düzenleyecektir.


* Ansys CFX ile Türbomakine Performans Analizleri ve Uygulaması
Tarih: 03.02.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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* Ansys Mechanical ile Dinamik Yükler Altında Yorulma Analizleri ve Uygulaması  
Tarih: 09.02.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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* Ansys ile Anten Elektromanyetik Analizleri ve Uygulaması
Tarih: 11.02.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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* Ansys ile İki Yönlü Akış-Yapı Etkileşim Analizleri ve Uygulaması
Tarih: 24.02.2021 Saat: 11:00 – 12:00
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Odamız üyesi BDO Turkey firması Aralık ayı vergi gelişmelerini özetleyen aylık bülten hazırlamıştır.


Odamız üyesi BDO Turkey firması Kasım ayı vergi gelişmelerini özetleyen aylık bülten hazırlamıştır.


Odamız üyesi dünyaca ünlü RAPSEL markasının mobilya koleksiyonu üyelerimize özel %30 indirim ayrıcalığını sağlamaktadır.

Bilgi için


Due to the exchange program with Lodi Liceo Scientifico e Classico High School, which was organized with the support of Yaşam Tasarım School and Italian Embassy Education Attaché, Prof. Anna Frigioni, 23 Italian students and 5 Italian teachers got acquainted with Turkish social life, Turkish culture and Turkish History. Yaşam Tasarım School hosted  the flow of the program with the indespensable help from district governor of Alanya Mr.Fatih Ürkmezer. The Italian guests visited Antalya museum, Ancient Side, Perge, Aspendos, Alanya castle and Red Tower, they also experienced unforgetable taste of local cuisine together with customs and traditions of Turkish hospitality. The performance called Diriliş, prepared by Yaşam Tasarım School, was staged at Alanya Cultural Center on March 18th  and presented to Italian guests and residents of Alanya. The Italian teachers and students enjoyed the performance, they sang folk songs and songs wich they had learned earlier. The guests thanked the students, teachers and administration for their hospitality. The message "World Peace" sounded on the stage. INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO PRESCHOOL EDUCATION FROM YAŞAM TASARIM SCHOOL: THE KUNO METHOD

By supporting the development zones of a child, preschool education enables a child to be more productive and perspective in adulthood, it is easier to discover a child’s potential, in other words, to reveal himself. Being aware of the importance of preschool education, Yaşam Tasarım School and the doyen of Japanese preschool education  Mr.Yasuyoshi Kuno arranged a unique seminar and workshop for nursery teachers of Alanya. On 21th March one of the leading representetive of Japanese preschool education and the special guest of the school, Mr. Yasuyoshi Kuno made a presentation for the  participants.  The presentation was attended by the district governor of Alanya Mr. Fatih Ürkmezer and the district director of national education of Alanya Mr. Yusuf Yılmaz. Salih Orgun and Meral Orgun made the speech at the presentation expessing their gratitude and happiness to lead such an educational  system. Speaking about the Kuno Method and Gakken, Salih Orgun said, “Japan became one of the countries that most deeply experienced the scars of the Second World War. In the bloodiest war in history, in which more than 60 million people lost their lives, 2 million 100 thousand soldiers and 580,000 civilians of Japan lost their lives. In particular, the wounds caused by the atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima still continue to be effective with their diseases and deaths.  Tokyo’s Government took two paths to re-enforce the nearly devastated country. One is technology and the other is education. When you look at the period when the world-famous Japanese brands were established or strengthened, it is possible to see that it was experienced in the development process of the end of the war. For these reasons, we wanted to introduce you to  Kuno Method and our Gakken Project today.” He also gave information about the project - Gakken. After the speeches the workshop under the leading of Mr.Kuno was conducted. The examples of activities that support the mental and emotional development of children aged 3-6 were presented during the training for preschool teachers of Alanya. GAKKEN YAŞAM TASARIM  SECONDARY SCHOOL

Gakken was founded in Japan in 1946 by Hideto Furuoka, with the philosophy that 'reconstruction of the destruction caused by the Second World War can only be achieved through education'. The modern instructional  design theory education has been adopted as a method and creats learning through doing and experiencing. Gakken program, an "Activity Based" learning program, is designed to develop students' "Sense of Research" through scientific methods by focusing on children's "Why" and "How" questions. Yaşam Tasarım School, including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa has been one of the fewest schools to run Gakken Project in Turkey.